What is Pollen? You may have heard about bee pollen (actually it is flower pollen, the bees just distribute and collect it) helping with seasonal allergies or having been referred to as a "superfood". As beekeepers we ourselves and many of our customers swear by this powdery colorful substance when it comes to overall health and wellness. Pollen is the male gametophyte of a seed … [Read more...]
Study Shows Honey Superior To Over-the-Counter Cough Medicine For Kids
A partially double-blind randomly controlled study at Penn State Medical School found honey to be better at reducing childhood cough than over-the-counter cough medicines. According to WebMD, "A review of studies found no proof that common over-the-counter drugs help with your cough. This includes suppressants like dextromethorphan, which block your cough reflex, and expectorants … [Read more...]